ALERTEX Heat & Smoke Integration With Genesis PIRs For Construction Sites

Luminite Electronics, manufacturer of the widely used wireless Genesis PIR detector range has added wireless heat and smoke detectors that, when used with a Genesis IP masthead receiver, will provide a site-wide security solution for evolving construction projects.

When triggered, the heat and smoke detectors will send an alert via the masthead receiver informing the end-user of the location of the heat/smoke event.  The heat and smoke detectors can alternatively be used in conjunction with ALERTEX Fire Alert units so that the entire site can be alerted both audibly and visually via sounders and strobes.

Any existing system already using Genesis detectors with an IP masthead can add heat and smoke sensors to the system as one of its 64 reporting units.  With the IP masthead working with a variety of remote monitoring software platforms including Immix, Hikvision and Dahua this added functionality is a powerful tool in the early detection of arson or accidental fires, particularly in timber-framed buildings.

The Genesis PIR detectors and ALERTEX Call Points have a transmission range of 1km and heat and smoke detectors of 100m.  The systems are portable and quick and easy to install with no civil works or cabling required.   

Heat and smoke detectors comply with European regulations.  The smoke detectors are approved to EN15604:2005 standard and the heat detectors conform to BS5446-2:2003 standard. Genesis detectors are EN505-1 Grade 2 compliant.

For more information contact Laura Grainger at Luminite on 0208 368 7887 or visit

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Luminite Electronics, manufacturer of the widely used wireless Genesis PIR detector range has added wireless heat and smoke detectors that, when used with a Genesis IP masthead receiver, will provide a site-wide security solution for evolving construction projects.

When triggered, the heat and smoke detectors will send an alert via the masthead receiver informing the end-user of the location of the heat/smoke event.  The heat and smoke detectors can alternatively be used in conjunction with Nexus Fire Alerts so that the entire site can be alerted both audibly and visually via sounders and strobes.

Any existing system already using Genesis detectors with an IP masthead can add heat and smoke sensors to the system as one of its 64 reporting units.  With the IP masthead working with a variety of remote monitoring software platforms including Immix, Hikvision and Dahua this added functionality is a powerful tool in the early detection of arson or accidental fires, particularly in timber-framed buildings.

The Genesis PIR detectors and Nexus Call Points have a transmission range of 1km and heat and smoke detectors of 100m.  The systems are portable and quick and easy to install with no civil works or cabling required.   

Heat and smoke detectors comply with European regulations.  The smoke detectors are approved to EN15604:2005 standard and the heat detectors conform to BS5446-2:2003 standard. Genesis detectors are EN505-1 Grade 2 compliant.

For more information contact Laura Grainger at Luminite on 0208 368 7887 or visit