
Wireless 4G HD
Rapid Visual Verification

OCULi is a battery-powered, standalone wireless PIR detector with a built-in HD camera. It provides rapid visual verification of captured events using the 4G mobile network. Units and sites can be self-monitored and controlled via the unique OCULi web portal.

  • Rapidly deployable to areas with no power
  • Visual verification over the 4G network in seconds
  • HD camera to view events in high definition
  • View events via web portal
  • Request more footage or livestream events
  • Integrates with popular monitoring platforms
  • Battery or solar-powered variants

Impressive HD Event Capture

OCULi HD is fitted with a powerful, HD camera, enabling events to be captured in full HD quality. Within the OCULi web portal, the camera resolution can be adjusted from 640p to 1080p according to the site requirements.

The 15m x 90° wide-angle PIR detection pattern falls slightly short of the cameras’ field of view, ensuring that events are not missed. The powerful quad-pyro sensor is highly sensitive to human activity and resilient to false detections. The PIR settings can be adjusted within the OCULi web portal, allowing the user to configure sensitivity, and/or gating, pulse counting and the day/night threshold. The automatic IR cut filter ensures colour accuracy in daytime images without compromising on night-time clarity, enabled by the powerful IR illuminator.

OCULi HD is fully tamper protected with IR anti-masking, 3-axis inertia sensing and enclosure tampers.

Powerful Self-Monitoring

OCULi HD allows for self-monitoring through the OCULi web portal. The web portal can be accessed via your internet browser. The OCULi online web portal allows you to view and download footage captured by your units, add sites, change unit and site settings, assign new users, keep track of your data usage and monitor your battery levels.

An arming schedule can be armed and disarmed up to 3 times per day for each day of the week, and can be set for individual units or entire sites. The arming schedule minimises false alarms by allowing users to disable detection on busy sites during working hours, but enables units to be automatically reactivated when the site is quiet and vulnerable.

The Heartbeat feature causes OCULi units to connect to the cloud server at a specified time and frequency. Server check-ins allow the units to update their status, for example, signal strength and battery level, whilst also updating the units with any new settings that have been made in the portal.

A TimeLine video event is a compilation of images captured during Heartbeat events. TimeLine videos are useful for checking positioning and light levels over the course of a day or week.

Notifications from the OCULi web portal can be sent in a number of ways. Push notifications can be sent directly to the web browser and via email to registered users. Notifications can be customised so that they are only sent to specific users. The type of event that the user is notified to can also be adjusted so that important detections are not overlooked.

Four Selectable Camera Resolutions

* * * Please enlarge the videos to see the full resolution * * *

5MP – 1944p

HD – 720p

Full HD – 1080p

VGA – 480p

OCULi Web Portal

The OCULi web portal is a powerful self-monitoring tool that can be used to not only view and download captured event footage, but to configure OCULi HD units remotely. Multiple users with varying permissions can access the portal using separate IDs. Video quality can be adjusted within the portal, as well as the frequency that the unit is able to detect events and how often it checks in with the server. The arming schedule can be set up directly within the web portal for individual units or for whole sites, and can be scheduled on and off up to 3 times per day.

UK Nationwide Network Coverage

OCULi HD can be used anywhere with a good 4G signal. When OCULi HD records a detection event, the footage is sent to the secure cloud server within seconds and is available to be viewed in the web portal. All footage is stored on the cloud server and can be easily downloaded for prosecution purposes. 

Cloud server fees are included in the monthly SIM tariff.

Users can use their own M2M SIM, but will need to pay the monthly cloud server charge at £4 per GB

Pre-2024 SIM Tariff 2024 SIM Tariff Approx. Data Usage
50MB £6.50 250MB £6.50 VGA 500KB per event
100MB £10 512MB £10 HD 1MB per event
250MB £12 1GB £14 FULL HD 4MB per event
512MB £15 2GB £22 5 MP 8MB per event
1GB £20 4GB £30
4GB £30 8GB £40
12GB £50 12GB £50
Cloud only £4 per GB Cloud only £4 per GB

Audio Challenge

OCULi HD can be used with a horn speaker or sounder kit to provide an audio challenge after an event has been captured. When used with the horn speaker, OCULi HD can facilitate two-way audio when the unit is called via mobile phone up to 3 minutes after detection.

Long Battery Life & Solar Kit

OCULi HD is powered by 2 x 3.6-volt lithium D cells, which, with normal use, boast a battery life between 6-9 months (depending on usage). A solar charging kit is available to facilitate more power-intensive features such as live streaming, requests for more footage and manual arm/disarm of units.

Automatic Sounder

When used in conjunction with a solar panel and horn speaker, OCULi HD can play automatic sound alerts whenever it detects motion. 

Sound files can be uploaded to the unit via the ‘units’ tab in the OCULi web portal. Multiple 16 bit mono 8khz sound files can be uploaded to the portal. The unit can store 8 seconds of audio clips at a time, and the clips can be set to repeat.

Magnetic Mounting

A magnetic mount allows OCULi HD to be mounted on a metal surface without the need to drill holes.

Automatic Sounder/Beacon

The battery-powered LGSOUNDER will emit an alarm sound up to 117 decibels together with a flashing beacon. There are 32 alarm sounds to choose from and there is an adjustable timer that silences the sounder after activation.